Selected insecticides approved for use on insects attacking peppers.
Chemical Name Rate
(product/acre) REI
(hours) Days to Harvest Insects MOA
Code1 Notes
Acramite 50-WS
(bifenazate) 0.75-1.0 lb 12 3 twospotted spider mite 25 One application per season.
(thiamethoxam) 2-4 oz 12 0 aphids, flea beetles, pepper weevil, stink bugs, whiteflies 4A Toxic to bees. Do not apply to blooming plants if bees are foraging.
Admire 2F
(imidacloprid) 16-32 fl oz 12 21 aphids, Colorado potato beetle, flea beetles, foliar-feeding thrips, whiteflies 4A Most effective if applied to soil at transplanting.
Admire Pro 7-14.0 fl oz
Admire 2F
(imidacloprid) 0.1 fl oz/1000 plants 12 21 (soil) aphids, whiteflies 4A Planthouse: 1 application to transplants. See label.
Admire Pro 0.44 fl oz/10,000 plants
Agree WG
(Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies aizawai) 0.5-2.0 lb 4 0 lepidopteran larvae (caterpillar pests) 11B1 Apply when larvae are small for best control. Can be used in greenhouse. OMRI-listed2.
*Agri-Mek 0.15 EC
(abamectin) 8-16 fl oz 12 7 broad mite, Liriomyza leafminers, spider mites, Thrips palmi 6 Do not make more than two sequential applications. Do not apply more than 0.056 lb ai per acre per season.
*Ambush 25W
(permethrin) 6.4-12/8 oz 12 3 cabbage looper, flea beetles, pepper weevil, vegetable leafminer 3 Do not apply more than 1.6 lb active ingredient per acre per season.
*Asana XL 0.66EC (esfenvalerate) 5.8-9.6 fl oz 12 7 Colorado potato beetle, corn earworm, cucumber beetles (adults), European corn borer, flea beetles, loopers, southern armyworm, (aids in control of beet armyworm and pepper weevil) 3 Do not apply more than 0.35 lb ai per acre per season, or treat more than 7 times at high rate.
Assail 70WP
(acetamiprid) 0.8-1.7 oz 12 7 aphids, Colorado potato beetle, whiteflies 4A Begin applications for whiteflies when first adults are noticed. Do not apply more than 4 times per season or apply more often than every 7 days.
Assail 30SG 1.5-4.0 oz
(indoxacarb) 2.5-3.5 oz 12 3 beet armyworm, loopers, southern armyworm, tomato fruitworm 22 Minimum spray interval is 5 days. Do not use more than 14 ounces of product per acre per crop.
(azadirachtin) 1-2 pts, up to 3.5 pts, if needed 4 0 aphids, beetles, caterpillars, leafhoppers, leafminers, mites, stink bugs, thrips, weevils, whiteflies 18B Antifeedant, repellent, insect growth regulator. OMRI-listed2.
Azatin XL
5-21 fl oz
aphids, beetles, caterpillars, leafhoppers, leafminers, thrips, weevils, whiteflies
Antifeedant, repellent, insect growth regulator.
*Baythroid 2E
(cyfluthrin) 1.6-2.8 fl oz 12 7 beet armyworm (1), cabbage looper, corn earworm, leafhoppers, leafminers (2), pepper weevil (2), thrips (except Thrips palmi) 3 (1) 1st and 2nd instars only
(2) aids in suppression
Do not apply more than 0.26 lb ai per acre per season (6 applications) or 0.132 lb ai per acre (XL)
Beleaf 50 SG
(flonicamid) 2.0-2.8 oz 12 0 aphids, plant bugs 9C Do not apply more than 8.4 oz/acre per season. Begin applications before pests reach damaging levels.
Biobit HP
(Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki) 0.5-2.0 lb 4 0 caterpillars (will not control large armyworms) 11B2 Treat when larvae are young. Good coverage is essential. Can be used in the greenhouse. OMRI-listed2.
BotaniGard 22 WP, ES
(Beauveria bassiana) WP:
0.5-2 lb 100/gal
0.5-2 qt 100/gal 4 0 aphids, thrips, whiteflies -- May be used in greenhouses. Contact dealer for recommendations if an adjuvant must be used. Not compatible in tank mix with fungicides.
*Capture 2EC
2.1-6.4 fl oz
armyworms, corn earworm, cucumber beetles, cutworms, leafminers, loopers, mites, pepper weevil, thrips, whiteflies
Do not make applications less than 7 days apart. Do not apply more than 0.2 lb active ingredient per acre per season.
Confirm 2F
(tebufenozide) 6-16 fl oz 4 7 beet armyworm, black cutworm, cabbage looper, fall armyworm, southern armyworm, tobacco hornworm, tomato hornworm, true armyworm, yellowstriped armyworm 18A Do not apply more than 1.0 lb ai per acre per season.
Crymax WDG
(Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki) 0.5-2.0 lb 4 0 caterpillars 11B2 Use high rate for armyworms. Treat when larvae are young.
(Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki) 0.5-1.25 lb 4 0 caterpillars 11B2 Use higher rates for armyworms. OMRI-listed2.
Dibrom 8EC
(naled) 1 pt 48 1 aphids, blister beetle, flea beetles, leafminers, mites 1B Apply no more than 1 pt/acre in Florida. Do not apply when temperature is over 90°F.
Dimethoate 4EC, 2.67EC
(dimethoate) 4EC: 0.5-0.67 pt
2.67: 0.75-1 pt 48 2 - 4 EC
0 - 2.67 EC aphids, leafminers 1B Highly toxic to bees.
Dimilan 25W
(diflubenzuron) 4-8 oz 12 7 foliage-feeding caterpillars, pepper weevil (reduces hatching of eggs produced by adults that have consumed treated foliage) 15 Up to 5 applications per season, but no more than 24 oz. per acre per season. IGR - effects not seen for 5-7 days.
Dimilan 2L 4-8 fl oz
DiPel DF
(Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki) 0.5-2.0 lb 4 0 caterpillars 11B2 Treat when larvae are young. Good coverage is essential.
Endosulfan 3EC
(endosulfan) 0.66-1.33 qt 24 See label 1 or 4, depending on rate used. armyworms, flea beetles, green peach aphid, hornworms, leafhoppers, pepper maggot, whiteflies 2 Do not apply more than twice a year. Do not exceed 2.0 lb active ingredient per acre per year.
(spinosad) 0.5-2.5 oz 4 1 armyworms, flower thrips, hornworms, leafminers, loopers, other caterpillars, Thrips palmi, tomato fruitworm, tomato pinworm 5 Do not use more than 9 oz per acre per crop. OMRI-listed2.
Esteem Ant Bait
(pyriproxyfen) 1.5-2.0 lb 12 1 red imported fire ant 7C Apply when ants are actively foraging.
1.0-1.5 lb
fire ants
Slow-acting IGR (insect growth regulator). Best applied early spring and fall whre crop will be grown. Colonies will be reduced after three weeks and eliminated after 8 to 10 weeks. This is the only firea nt bait labeled for use on cropland. May be applied by ground equipment or aerially.
(pymetrozine) 2.75 oz 12 0 green peach aphid, potato aphid, suppression of whiteflies 9B Do not make more than two applications.
Intrepid 2F
(methoxyfenozide) 4-16 fl oz 4 1 beet armyworm, cabbage looper, cutworms, fall armyworm, southern armyworm, tobacco/tomato hornworms, tomato fruitworm, true armyworm, yellowstriped armyworm 18A Do not apply more than 1.0 lb per acre per season.
Javelin WG
(Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki) 0.12-1.50 4 0 most caterpillars, but not Spodoptera species (armyworms) 11B2 Treat when larvae are young. Thorough coverage is essential. OMRI-listed2.
Kelthane MF 4
(dicofol) 0.75-1.5 pt 12 2 mites 20 Do not apply more than 2 applications per year or more than 1.6 pts per year.
Knack IGR
8-10 fl oz
sweetpotato/silverleaf whiteflies (immature)
Do not make more than 2 applications per growing season.
(cryolite) 8-12 12 14 armyworm, cabbage looper, hornworms, pepper weevil 9A Do not exceed 24 lb/acre per crop.
*Lannate LV, *SP (methomyl) LV: 0.75-3.0 pt
SP: 0.25-1.0 lb 48 3 armyworms, beet armyworm, fall armyworm, green peach aphid, loopers, variegated cutworm 1A No more than 10 applications per crop or 15 pt LV or 5 lb SP/acre/crop,
Lepinox WDG
(Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki) 1.0-2.0 lb 12 0 for most caterpillars, including beet armyworm (see label) 11B2 Treat when larvae are small. Thorough coverage is essential.
Lorsban 75WG
[24(c) label] 1.33 lb 24 7 beet armyworm 1B Do not apply within 10 days of transplanting or to plants under severe heat or drought stress. Do not make more than 8 applications.
Malathion 8F
(malathion) 1.5 pt 12 3 aphids 1B Can be used in greenhouse.
*MSR 2 Spray Concentrate
(oxydemeton-methyl) 2 pt 48 3 aphids 1B Do not apply more than 2 times per season.
M-Pede 49% EC
Soap, insecticidal 1-2% V/V 12 0 aphids, leafhoppers, mites, plant bugs, thrips, whiteflies -- OMRI-listed2.
Neemix 4.5
(azadirachtin) 4-16 fl oz. 12 0 aphids, armyworms, cabbage looper, Colorado potato beetle, corn earworm, cutworms, hornworms, leafminers, thrips, tomato pinworm, tomato fruitworm, weevils, whiteflies 18B OMRI-listed2.
Oberon 2SC
(spiromesifen) 7.0-8.5 fl oz 12 7 broad mite, twospotted spider mite, whiteflies (eggs & nymphs) 23 Maximum amount per crop: 25.5 fl oz/acre. No more than 3 applications.
Orthene 75 S (acephate) 0.33-1.33 lb 24 7 cabbage looper, grasshoppers, green peach aphid, tobacco hornworm 1B Do not apply more than 2 lb ai per season.
(thiamethoxam) 5-8 fl oz 12 30 aphids, flea beetles, whiteflies 4A Soil application. See label for rotational restrictions.
*Pounce 25 W (permethrin) 6.4-12.8 oz 12 3 cabbage looper, corn earworm, cutworms, flea beetles, leafminers, pepper weevil 3 Do not apply more than 1.6 lb ai per acre per season.
(emamectin benzoate) 2.4-4.8 oz 48 7 beet armyworm, cabbage looper, fall armyworm, hornworms, southern armyworm, tobacco budworm, tomato fruitworm, tomato pinworm, yellowstriped armyworm 6 No more than 28.8 oz/acre per season.
Prokil Cryolite 96
(cryolite) 10-12 lb 12 7 (SLN) armyworms, cabbage looper, flea beetle, hornworms, pepper weevil 9A Do not exceed 24 lb per acre per crop.
Provado 1.6 F (imidacloprid) 3.8 oz or 6.2 for pepper weevil only 12 0 foliar aphids, Colorado potato beetle, leafhoppers, whiteflies 4A Do not apply to crop that has been treated with imidacloprid or thiamethoxam. Do not apply more than 19 oz per acre as foliar spray.
Pyrellin EC
(pyrethrin + rotenone) 1-2 pt 12 12 hours aphids, cabbage looper, Colorado potato beetle, cucumber beetles, flea beetles, leafhoppers, leafminer, loopers, mites, plant bugs, stink bugs, thrips, whiteflies 3, 21
Sevin 80S; XLR; 4F
(carbaryl) 80S: 0.63-2.5 lb
XLR; 4F: 0.5-2.0 qt 12 3 Colorado potato beetle, cutworms, fall armyworm, flea beetles, lace bugs, leafhoppers, stink bugs (suppression), tarnished plant bug, thrips (suppression), tomato fruitworm, tomato hornworm, tomato pinworm 1A Do not apply more than seven times.
SpinTor 2 SC
(spinosad) 1.5-8.0 fl oz 4 1 armyworms, flower thrips, hornworms, Liriomyza leafminers, loopers, Thrips palmi, tomato fruitworm 5 Do not apply to seedlings grown for transplant within a greenhouse or shadehouse. Leafminer and thrips control may be improved by adding an adjuvant. Do not apply more than three times in any 21 day period. Do not apply more than 29 oz per acre per crop.
*Telone C-35 (dichloropropene + chloropicrin) See label 5 days -
See label preplant symphylans, wireworms -- See supplemental label for restrictions in certain Florida counties.
Telone II
Crop Chemicals FG Max /Ac Min Days To Harvest Diseases Remarks
Pepper * For best-possible available chemical control of bacterial spot, a copper fungicide should be tank-mixed with a maneb fungicide
Ridomil Gold 4 EC (mefenoxam) 4 1 pt/trtd acre 3 pt/trtd/A Pythium seedling blights
Phytophthora blight Soil spray broadcast or band. Apply in a minimum of 20 gal water per acre preplant or prior to emergence.
Apron XL 3LS (difenconazole + mefanoxam) 3 & 4 0.64 fl oz/100lb seed Pythium damping–off Seed treatment only
(Streptomycin sulfate and other streptomycin products) 17 200 ppm Bacterial spot For use on transplants only. Apply first spray when seedling is in 2-leaf stage. Apply at 4-5 day intervals until transplanting.
Cabrio 2.08 F (pyraclostrobin) 11 16 fl oz 96 fl oz 0 Powdery mildew Anthracnose
Early blight
Botrytis (suppression) No more than 6 appl. of Cabrio or other Group 11 fungicides/season.
(dimethomorph) 40 6 oz (Forum)
6.4 oz
(Acrobat) 30 oz 0 Phytophthora blight (suppression only) Apply with another fungicide not in Group 40.
Maneb 80 WP (maneb) M3 3 lb 18 lb 7 Bacterial spot*
Frogeye leaf spot
Phytophthora blight *Bacterial spot when tank mixed with a copper fungicide. Use of 1 lb Maneb/A per appl. is sufficient
Maneb 75 DF (maneb) M3 3 lb 19.2 lb 7 Bacterial spot*
Frogeye leaf spot
Phytophthora blight *Same as Maneb 80 WP
Quadris 2.08 FL (azoxystrobin) 11 15.5 fl oz 1.92 qt 0 Powdery mildew
Anthracnose Limit is 4 appl/crop & alternate chemistry.
Amistar 80 DF (azoxystrobin) 11 5 oz 1.25 lb 0 Powdery mildew
Anthracnose Limit is 4 appl/crop & alternate chemistry.
Manex 4 F (maneb) M3 2.4 qt 14.4 qt 7 Bacterial spot*
Frogeye leaf spot
Phytophthora blight Same for Maneb 80 except adequate rate/A is 0.8 qt.
Ridomil Gold Copper 64.8 W (mefenoxam/
copper hydroxide) 4 & M1 2.5 lb 10 lb 7 Phytophthora
Pythium diseases Use Ridomil Gold EC on soil preplant or at planting. Make up to 2 additional appl. Use 1 pt/A and apply at a 30-day interval.
(Fluopicolide) 43 4 fl oz 2 Phytophthora blight For resistance management, a tank mix including a labeled rate of another labeled fungicide with a different mode of action on the target pathogen must be used with Presidio. Recommended spray interval 10 days.
Revus 2.08 F (mandipropamid) 40 8 fl oz (in tank mix with a copper fungicide) 32 1 Phytophthora blight (suppression only) A non-ionic surfactant, crop-oil concentrate or blend is recommended.
JMS Stylet Oil 3 qt NTL Potato Virus Y
Tobacco etch virus
Pepper mottle virus See label for specific app. techniques required (e.g. 400 psi essential).
Various copper compounds (see ind. labels), including Badge, Champ, COC, Copper Count-N, Copper Z4/4, Kocide, Nordox, Nu Cop, Cuprofix Disperss, etc. M1 SEE INDIVIDUAL LABELS Bacterial spot
Frogeye leaf spot
Flint 50 WGD (trifloxystrobin) 11 4 oz 16 oz 3 Powdery mildew
Anthracnose (disease suppression) Maximum of 4 appl/
season & alternate chemistries.
(82% potassium bicarbonate) 33 3 lb 1 Powdery mildew
Anthracnose (disease suppression)
(85% potassium bicarbonate) 33 5 lb 0 Powdery mildew
Pythium Greenhouse only
Serenade Max (QST 713 strain of Bacillus subtilis) 3 lb Bacterial spot
Early blight
Powdery mildew
Gray mold Use with copper bactericide for bacterial spot control.
Sonata (QST 2808 strain of Bacillus pumilus) Biological 4 qt Bacterial spot
Powdery mildew Tank mix with copper bactericide for bacterial spot control.
Tanos (famoxadone/
cymoxanil) 11 & 27 10 oz 72 oz 3 Anthracnose
Bacterial soft rot (suppression only)
Bacterial spot (suppression only)
Phytophthora blight (suppression only) Tank mix with contact fungicides. Do not tank mix or rotate with other Group 11 fungicides. Tank mix with copper fungicides for suppression of Phytophthora blight, bacterial spot, and bacterial soft rot.
Ultra Flourish (mefenoxam) 4 1 qt/trtd acre 3 qt Phytophthora blight
Pythium diseases At planting and directed sprays at crown-see label.
Previcur Flex (6 lb a.i./gal) (propamocarb) 28 12.8 oz/100 gal water Phytophthora
Pythium Greenhouse only
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